Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"That aint no etch a schetch, this is one doodle that can't be undid"

It's a....BOY !!!

We had known for some time now that Michelle was pregnant, but have been keeping it quiet for a while. Yesterday Michelle and I went for her ultrasound & found out that we are going to have a boy in October. We are very excited for that day to come. Right now Michelle is just a little more than 4 and a half months along (almost 19 weeks). She has had some sick times, but it seems to have leveled off for the most part. She has not stopped slowing down as she has been working 2 jobs and keeping busy with Relief Society.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2 Date Nights in 1 week?!

Last Monday after work, I called Jason to meet up and walk home with him. He said he already left the library about 5 mins ago, so just meet him at home. When I got home he was veggin on the couch after a long day of studying for the DAT. He asked if I wanted to go grab dinner at Taco bell so we didnt have to worry about cooking.  I asked if I needed a jacket & if we were eating there. He said dont worry about a jacket and yah, we'd eat there. We got there and ordered and he asked them to make it to go. I looked at him very confused.  

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Little did I know he had planned to have dinner and watch a movie at the beach. He grabbed his backpack from the car and we walked down a bit to the beach. From his backpack he pulled out a blanket and jackets for the both of us. He pulled out the laptop and our feature presentation..."The Little Mermaid". 

It was my favorite Disney movie growing up & had been recently leant to me by a friend. Watching it on the beach made for perfect surround sound. It was a great way to end the day...with a good dinner (where we didnt have to do dishes), great movie and an even better date.

Friday was my night off work & Jason didnt have to job shadow so we decided to make it a day together. After working in the morning, then going grocery shopping, we made lunch then headed to our favorite beach, Keikis. The sun was shining and the water was perfect! 
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We spent a few hours there then decided we wanted to get out and do something we'd never done here for date night. We decided on ice skating. The last time either of us had ever been was about 10 years ago, during our days in young womens/mens. This was going to be entertaining, to say the least.  There were a ton of teenagers & younger kids there and minus the parents of kids there, Jason & I were pretty sure we were the oldest. 

Warming up with some hot chocolate. 

Jason claims I did better then he thought I was going to do. I only fell once. And that was quite the story.  Jason & I had been holding hands, so I would get the hang of it, I was doing pretty good so he decided to skate ahead and lap me. Which was perfectly fine, until this kid came and cut me off. To prevent myself from falling, my first reaction was grabbing on to the kids hoodie. I was pulling on it for a bit then just let go and finally fell. His friend came over and helped me up. Jason said he hadnt even got half way across & when he looked back I was sitting on the ice, laughing. I thought it was hilarious. Thank heavens it wasnt a hard fall. And it makes for a funny memory.

It was such a fun night and made for another perfect date night. Thanks Jay!

NEW CAR.... well new to us =)

Jason & I have been married for a little over 2 1/2 years and have never owned a car...until now.  We got married & shortly after moved out here to Hawaii. With it being a small town, we've never really felt it neccesary to have a car; we have our bikes and legs for transportation.
With only about 8 months left here in Hawaii, we decided to invest in one.  
And Thanks to Adam & Stacey Cottle, we got this beauty. 

She's not new, but is new to us. Its a '99 Saturn. Lovely huh? 
We have really enjoyed having a car; it has been great for running into 'town' (Honolulu) for  taste of reality (and trips to Costco & Target), perfect for just getting away up to the North Shore for those perfect beach days, hassel free for Jason to go job shadowing, and makes it easier to get away for date nights. 
We are very grateful for this recent purchase and pray that it will be as good to us as it was for the Cottles. =]