Thursday, July 17, 2008

Recent Intruder!

There are very few things, if anything, that I actually LOATHE. But these things I without a doubt despise! Even thinking about them give me the heebee-geebees. We may live in paradise, but with these guys around its like torture.

The famous Cane Spider.

We only get them every once in a while, and of course at night. It seems every time we get one they just seem to get bigger and bigger. But this one, oh man, he was HUGE. This one showed up the other night while we were brushing our teeth, getting ready for bed. Jason was out in the living room/kitchen and spotted him running across the wall. After trying to scream for a shoe {yes, he still was in the middle of brushing} he found one, attacked and Killed! Thank Heavens!!!
Pictures just dont do them justice; they are HUGE and they are DISGUSTING!
About a month ago another one traipsed its way into our apartment late at night when I was talking on the phone with Nikki, my sister, as she was flying to come visit us the next day. I use to be the brave one to kill all crawling creatures in our apartment, but Jason has taken over that responsibility for me. {Yeah for me!} So he was following it around and stratigically planning on how to kill it, claiming it was the Biggest one yet. The little devil found a good hiding spot behind our bookshelf in our room. After throwing numerous objects at it, moving the book shelf, spraying water near it, poking and prooding things in his direction to scare him out, we were unsuccessful. Both afraid to fall asleep with it still in hiding, we finally we able to nod off. An hour later, I awoke quickly to all the lights on and Jason hitting the walls. He said he woke up to use the bathroom and figured the little guy would be out and about, sure enough he was which made him the perfect target for the next toilet flushing. And we could finally fall asleep peacefully.

Heres some info on my nemises....
Cane Spider, Heteropoda venatoria. ..."usually the size of a can of tuna fish, this spider has a huge body and thick hairy legs. This spider is actually quite a helpful arachnid. The Cane Spider does not spin a web, but instead hunts for food at night. Just about any insect is fair game for this spider, including cockroaches and silverfish..." (I think thats the only good thing about them) "...Cane Spiders are very reluctant to bite and prefer to run instead of defend. However, if sufficiently provoked the spider can bite and though rare, can inject venom."


Anonymous said...

eww! i am so sorry! i still think about that one we saw when we were there! i have to try to get it out of my head before i go to bed so i dont have nightmares! i recently had a big cocroach TOUCH my hand which was bad enough for me!! kevin was unfortunatley NOT able to kill it! but i did have him use the bug spray!

Jacob and Lauren said...

EH! That creeps me out just looking at it. We get a decent amount of creepy bugs in our backyard too but nothing quite this bad. You need to get a dog or something to catch them for you!

Sara said...

Now this thing is just creepy! Did I tell you I was stung by a scorpion in December? Okay, I know that is like 10 years ago.. but yah definitely happened!