
Thank you to Aunt Natalie & Uncle Justin for the Easter basket!

We celebrated Valeries Birthday with having a barbeque at Tressa & TJs house followed by a rousing game of Trival Pursuit.{half of us hated the game. getting the most difficult questions. questions like that would be the million dollar question in 'who wants to be a millionaire'. while the other half got questions like, "how many days in a week." seriously. oh well, we tried to put on a good face anyhow.}

He absolutely loves it when Jason throws him up in the air.
{that flash took him by surprise & I know so ghetto, his hat's a little too small but it was cold & I couldn't find his beanie}
We started out by celebrating Easter weekend by going to the Mesa Easter Pageant. We hadn't been in years. It was a great way to start off the Easter weekend. And with all the people in attendance, we ran into some friends that lived in our building & ward in Hawaii, the Andersons, as well as the Danielsons.
Easter Sunday we got to spend with both of our families. We watched the morning session of General Conference with the Ellsworths and then spent the afternoon watching it at my parents. Followed by a traditional ham, funeral potatoes and asparagus & rhodes rolls Easter dinner. To be topped off with requested homemade Lemon ice cream & the traditional chocolate bunny cake. Yum!
We cant believe its already been half of a year,
Deacon turned 6 months old!
We took him in for his check up-- Weight: 18.5 lbs. Lenght: 28 inches long.
We celebrated Valeries Birthday with having a barbeque at Tressa & TJs house followed by a rousing game of Trival Pursuit.{half of us hated the game. getting the most difficult questions. questions like that would be the million dollar question in 'who wants to be a millionaire'. while the other half got questions like, "how many days in a week." seriously. oh well, we tried to put on a good face anyhow.}
A week later we celebrated Marcs birthday with pizza and several rounds of Blongo ball {a game}. And sneaking peeks at the Suns game playing inside.--So happy they won. 
With Tressa's due date just around the corner Jen threw her a beautiful baby shower.
With Mothers Day coming up, we decided to have a little photo shoot of Deacon and give a picture or two to our mothers.-they were both saying how they wanted pictures of D. He started out being SO serious but ended up taking some really cute ones.
{This picture puts a smile on my face every time I look at it. ha ha.}
We attempted to take Deacons 7 month old pictures..he just wanted to talk & then we just ended up playing.
Since there isn't a routine check up for 7 months, Jason & I weighed and measured his length ourselves, after all it isn't very scientific. D weighed 19.5 lbs and was 28.5 inches long. Deacon is such a joy in our lives. He is always happy. He already has 4 teeth-two on the bottom & two on the top;
which makes him look so grown up.
And we celebrated Mothers Day with the wonderful women in our lives. {see below}
1 comment:
Oh, he is getting to be such a big boy!! I love it! We miss you 3!
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